
So hey, I'm Maddi
Adolescent born and raised in the golden state of California, also the first generation of my Chinese-Indonesian family to be born in the USA.  I'm a twinkie. English is my first, and only language (somewhat unfortunate since my grandparents and older family can speak multiple languages including Indonesian, Chinese, and Dutch), and I have had a special love for writing since grade school.  From short stories, to essays, to poetry, to my collection of diaries (still to this day no one knows where I hide them :), I can't seem to stop the addiction. I wish I could say I write something extremely creative or profound, but the fact is that I just like to write.  So I made this blog as sort of like a journal: free expression, completely all me, with no barriers. It's my outlet, hence the title The Outlet Unplugged. I felt I should explain the title a little bit because I just imagine the confusion with an electrical piece. 

I'm a world-traveler, a runner, a concert-enthusiast, a food-lover, an unashamedly california girl, a sister, a friend, a daughter, and although for some reason seem to hate this label--a teenager.  I love to try and experience new things, throw myself out of my comfort zones from time to time, and have a strong drive to fight for what I really want.  I'm also quite impatient, clumsy, awkward, and impulsive at times...I mean, I could go on and on and list in detail the little parts of my life (which I kind of have to an extent lol), but then there would be nothing much to write about anymore would there?

While I hope I don't seem too much of a typical teen *shudders*, I'd like to see where this blog takes me. Maybe I'll get no readers, or just one (a.k.a mom), or maybe more. Who knows. But if you enjoy, or find something you relate to, stay for a while!

much love

Pictures (unless otherwise noted) and all posts are mine. Please do not take or republish without consent.

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